export DOCSBASENAME="README.tausta" export DOCTITLE="tausta.ksh.sh" export DOCAUTHOR="Juhapekka Tolvanen" export TWOLETTERLANG="en" export TOCTITLE="Table of Contents" export WWWDIR="${HOME}/www/hacks/sh/tausta/docs" # See man-page of command pdf2djvu: export DJVUOPTS='-d 300 --monochrome --loss-level=100 --verbatim-metadata' ### You may want to use this during debugging: export MYXELATEXCMD="xelatex -src-specials -file-line-error -recorder" ### This should be normally enough: #export MYXELATEXCMD="xelatex -src-specials" ### Value of this environment variable makes script exit after these ### formats are made: ### 1: HTML ### 2: Same as in level 1 and: (Xe)LaTeX, PDF and PostScript in this mode: ### Portrait, 12 pt and one-sided. ### 3: Same as in level 2 and: (Xe)LaTeX, PDF and PostScript in this mode: ### landscape ### 4: Same as in level 3 and: (Xe)LaTeX, PDF and PostScript in this mode: ### Portrait, 12 pt and two-sided. ### 5: Same as in level 4 and also: (Xe)LaTeX, PDF and PostScript in ### other modes, too. ### 6: Same as in level 5 and also: Plain text (normal and narrow), ### DocBook XML, EPUB, EPUB3, Kindle Formats (MOBI and KF8). ### 7: Same as level 6 and also: DjVU ### 8: Same as level 7 and also: ODT, DOCX and RTF. ### 9: Same as level 8 and also: man, texinfo and info. ### 10 or more: Everything! export FORMATSLEVEL="3"