(C) Copyright: Juhapekka Tolvanen http://iki.fi/juhtolv juhtolv (at) iki (dot) fi Unless otherwise noted, all files in this directory and all its subdirectories are free; they may be copied, distributed or modified under certain conditions, but come WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; see the Design Science License for the precise terms and conditions: http://www.dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt More copies of DSL are in these places: http://iki.fi/juhtolv/licenses/dsl.txt http://www.gnu.org/licenses/dsl.html Unofficial translation to Finnish language by me can be found here: http://iki.fi/juhtolv/licenses/dsl.fi.txt Unless otherwise noted, each file is both Source Data and Object From. Exceptions are told in a file 000README.txt in same subdirectory. If some files have different licensing, it is told in a file called 000README.txt that is put to same subdirectory with those files. Here you can comment my art: http://juhtolv.deviantart.com/