Creating QR Codes: qrencode -m 2 -t EPS 'bitcoin:hörönlörönjahalitulijallallei' > key.eps epstopdf key.eps You can get those programs this way: qrencode is available here: But it is available at least in Debian GNU/Linux. epstopdf belongs to TeX Live, but it also has a homepage here: TeX Live also has a command called epspdf. XeLaTeX-command: xelatex -src-specials -file-line-error -recorder -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E -p a4 -l" bitcoinwallet.01.tex Sometimes that “-output-driver” thing is needed but sometimes not: P.S: If you like this, you can send Bitcoins to my address: 1H9pYke2a6causWPBjdzbrd1bkmr5Fvzcy But you can scan its QR Code from that PDF file called bitcoinwallet.01.pdf . If I start using any other crypto currencies, I release their addresses here: P.P.S: Yes, this can be used for practically any other crypto currency.