% My LaTeX-settings to be used with python-docutils and reStructuredText % NOTE: Those font settings for chapter, section etc. titles do not % work as intended, yet. See FIXMEs. % Author: % Juhapekka Tolvanen % http://iki.fi/juhtolv % juhtolv (at) iki (dot) fi % This file is public domain. There is no warranty. % This makes stfloats or fix2col obsolete. This loads fixltx2e. %% "When the new output routine for LaTeX3 is done, this package will %% be obsolete. The sooner the better..." \RequirePackage{dblfloatfix} % This makes type1cm and type1ec obsolete: \RequirePackage{fix-cm} %%% NOTE: If next line is in the end of the preamble, my bug will show up \KOMAoptions{headings=big} \setlength{\parindent}{1.5cm} \usepackage{indentfirst} % To ease checking pdf(la)tex with if-statements \RequirePackage{ifpdf} \RequirePackage{typearea} %\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{7} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Packages \usepackage{slantsc} %%% For some reason this is no more needed: %\renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{U} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Fonts % %%% Obsolete: %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\usepackage[EU1,T1]{fontenc} % Most special chars, also copyleft \usepackage{textcomp} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Fonts in XeLaTeX way: \usepackage{lmodern} \RequirePackage{fontspec} \RequirePackage{xltxtra} \defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex-text} %%% http://www.alice-dsl.net/ralfstubner/fplneu-otf.html %%% This is the old name for \setmainfont, retained for backwards compatibility. %\setromanfont[Numbers=Lowercase]{FPL Neu} \setmainfont[Numbers=Lowercase]{FPL Neu} %%% http://home.vr-web.de/was/x/FPL/ %%%\setromanfont{FPL Neu} %%%\setmainfont{FPL Neu} %%% http://www.ellak.gr/pub/fonts/mgopen/index.en.html %\setsansfont{MgOpen Cosmetica} %%% http://myria.math.aegean.gr/labs/dt/fonts-en.html %%% FIXME: I’d like to use this this font, but it is buggy: %%% WARNING ** Obsolete four arguments of "endchar" will be used for Type 1 "seac" operator. %%% ** ERROR ** This font using the "seac" command for accented characters... %%%\setsansfont{Epigrafica} %%% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Libertine %%% http://www.linuxlibertine.org/ \setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O} %%% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inconsolata %%% http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html %\setmonofont{Inconsolata} %%% %%% http://dejavu-fonts.org/ \setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono} %%% FIXME: I just can not make this to work: %\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{txtt} %%% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Sans %%% http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Open+Sans \newfontface\mytitlefont{Open Sans Extrabold} \newfontface\mysubtitlefont{Open Sans Bold} \newfontface\mysectionfont{Open Sans Extrabold} \newfontface\mysubsectionfont{Open Sans Bold} \newfontface\mysubsubsectionfont{Open Sans Semibold} \newfontface\myparagraphfont{Open Sans} \newfontface\mysubparagraphfont{Open Sans Light} % Now use that \mytitlefont . \addtokomafont{title}{\mytitlefont\Huge} \addtokomafont{subtitle}{\mysubtitlefont\huge} % Not used in certain document classes %\addtokomafont{part}{} %\addtokomafont{partnumber}{} %\addtokomafont{chapter}{} \addtokomafont{section}{\mysectionfont\LARGE} \addtokomafont{subsection}{\mysubsectionfont\Large} \addtokomafont{subsubsection}{\mysubsubsectionfont\large} \addtokomafont{paragraph}{\myparagraphfont\normalsize} \addtokomafont{subparagraph}{\mysubparagraphfont\normalsize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % cmap: "Make the PDF files generated by pdflatex "searchable and copyable" % in Adobe (Acrobat) Reader and other compliant PDF viewers." % (Must be before fontenc-package) \ifpdf % Some people may have buggy cmap. \usepackage{cmap} \fi \ifpdf \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true,verbose=true,final=true]{microtype} \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\usepackage{setspace} %\singlespacing %\onehalfspacing %\spacing{1.7} % This causes bugs like this: (\end occurred inside a group at level 1) %\doublespacing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% typearea -settings %%% These can be defined in docutils.conf , too. Puncher makes holes %%% 15 mm near the edge of A4-paper. Therefore BCOR has value 15 mm. %%% If value of DIV is too small, you get Overfull \hbox -warnings %%% very easily. If value of DIV is too big, you will find warnings %%% like these from log-file: %%% Package typearea Warning: Bad type area settings! %%% (typearea) The detected line width is about 20% %%% (typearea) larger than the heuristically detected line width. %%% (typearea) You should e.g. decrease DIV, increase fontsize %%% (typearea) or change papersize. %%% On the other hand, if DIV is too big, lines become too long to be %%% readable and the layout in general start to look stupid. LaTeX in %%% general is about professional-looking layout, after all. %\KOMAoptions{BCOR=15mm,DIV=20} %\recalctypearea % You do not need \recalctypearea after this: % This do not cause warnings about bad type area, when basic font size % is 11pt: %\typearea[15mm]{13} % This do not cause warnings about bad type area, when basic font size % is 10pt: \typearea[15mm]{13}